Our Courier Service is a full service, freight transportation and logistics company.

Packaged goods transport
Packaged goods transport
Focuses on the packaging requirements of goods in transit, in particular for items traveling overland by road or rail.

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Sea and air freight
Sea and air freight
By using a combination of sea and air freight, you bring added flexibility to your supply chain.

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Warehousing and storage
Warehousing and storage
Our Courier Service is able to offer heated or unheated warehouse solutions both for short-term and for long-term storage.

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Multimodal transport
Multimodal transport
When it comes to multimodal transport services, Our Company has connections you can trust.

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Logistics solutions
Logistics solutions
Smart and sustainable business requires the skills of logistics experts who are able to think ahead.

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Forwarding services
Forwarding services
With our extensive network, we will find a competitive and efficient solution to your next assignment.

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As always… please let us know if there is anything else we could be doing to serve you better! thank you for your business and for your support!!

Global Dispatch